Root Canals
in Cullman, AL
Few patients want to hear that they need a root canal, but sometimes it’s the best option for your oral health. While the process can seem intimidating, our knowledgeable staff at Cullman Cosmetic and Family Dentistry is here to ensure your experience is as comfortable as possible.
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Are root canals covered by insurance?
Insurance typically covers a root canal that’s deemed a medical necessity. You can check your benefits to determine your exact coverage.
At Cullman Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we want all of our patients to have access to affordable dental care. That’s why we accept a wide variety of financing options!
Do I need a root canal?
Root canals are necessary when the pulp inside the tooth becomes infected. If you suspect you need a root canal, call our office today to schedule an exam!

Does a root canal hurt?
A root canal is performed using local anesthesia, so the surgery is not painful. You should expect some pain and swelling following the operation. Your doctor may prescribe pain medication or offer an aftercare plan to mitigate discomfort.
Is a root canal a permanent solution?
Root canals are permanent solutions. However, if the treated tooth or surrounding teeth become infected, it is sometimes necessary to reperform the root canal.

Can I drive home after a root canal?
Many patients can drive themselves home afterward. At Cullman Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, your safety is our priority. We recommend bringing someone along with you just in case.
What are the alternatives to a root canal?
If you’re seeking alternatives to root canal therapy, call our office to schedule an appointment. Our experienced staff will happily discuss treatments for your unique smile.

Family Friendly Root Canal Service In Cullman, AL!
There’s no need to suffer from tooth pain! Give Cullman Cosmetic and Family Dentistry a call and schedule your appointment today!
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